Asbury Park Neptune Air Terminal (ARX)
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Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States (US) This airport is closed
Asbury Park Neptune Air Terminal Reviews (3)
Arx Condition
It’s still abandoned, but the runways are clearly visible and walkable. Wander around at night-time for a spooky experience, but wear clothes that you won’t mind getting muddy since the drainage in the area is terrible.
Asbury Park Airport (aat)
The code for Asbury Park was AAT during my time there, 1971 to 1974. A great web page for come of the old (closed) airports is at http://members.tripod.com/airfields_freeman/NJ/Airfields_NJ_E.htm#asburypark The FBO and Flight School was Gibson Air Academy. Billy Gibbon moved it to BLM when AP closed. A great little airport. It was actually located in Nepune NJ, about 5 miles west of Asbury Park. The photo shows the approach end of Rwy 27 as it looks now.
my father flew out of this airport in the 60’s and early 70’s there were some nice old world war two planes in and out of there,his best friend flew a f8f-2bearcat out of this airport,my father was friends with huss hanson f8fbearcat,pete brucia f6fhellcat,billy Gibson p-51he also was friends with daryl greenamayer and bill fornof,my father had a twin beech c-18 and a lot of other planes in his life time,me and my brothers sure had some good times at this airport. chuck teeters jr.