Enyu Airfield (BII)
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Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands (MH) Small airport
Enyu Airfield Reviews (3)
Visit To Enyu Airfield
I was on a VC-118B when we took COMPHIBPAC to Enyu so he could see how the SeeBees were doing with reconstruction. The airstrip ran almost the length of the atoll it seemed…was about 2 feet of impacted coral. Was O.K. landing but still had cabin A/C on and when we use prop braking, sucked some white coral dust in on top of our royal blue carpeting. The Admiral stayed overnight; we went to Kwajalein for RON. When we came back we had to wait for the Admiral so we explored about 1/2 the shoreline of the atoll…it sure was a quiet place…except when the noise of our plane or the SeeBees equipment was heard. Will never forget the place…oh, saw some remnants of structures that held recording equipment for the bomb tests.
Who Would Ever Go There?
Who would ever want to land there? You do realize that that landing strip is within a few miles of the Castle Bravo test site, right? If not, then Castle Bravo was that nuclear test that blew a chunk off the face of the earth, and was initiated on the same island (Bikini Atoll, the island this landing strip is on) as the Baker test of 1946! (also a nuclear test). I wouldn’t be surprised if people went there, and returned with extra limbs!
@Conner: actually the airstrip is roughly 22 miles away from the crater site and to the east, furthest possible in the Bikini atoll. The fallout though consisted especially of pulverised coral and most of it fell to the east…. So the white coral dusk being sucked in the plane in david’s review definately was a health hazard. And the camera site remains, all of the crew was contaminated…